
I’ve had many panicked moments today, so I decided to panic out loud on the metaphoric roof of the Internet. 

Synonyms for panic include flustered, distressed, and anxious. My usual kinds of panic involve either one of the three, or all of them at once. Let me explain.

One type of panic that I get surprisingly often, is regarding whether or not I’ve forgotten something. This occurs on the bus or in the car on the way to an event. For example, right now I am on my way to my school’s semi formal and I must have checked whether I forgot anything at least three times. Even my mom had to run through a checklist with me! 

Another type of panic is when I have so much to do and so little time. For example, if I get home late from dance and still have to study for tests or quizzes and do homework, I’ll run around the house like a mad man trying to get things done. Oddly enough, whenever this happens, I take the time to hastily clean wherever I’m working. You could easily classify me as a neat freak, and maybe even just a freak. I’m not sure.

The first “panic” I mentioned benefits me in no way shape or form. I always experience that when it’s too late to fix anything or go home and get anything I forgot, so I end up having to live with it. The latter however, helps me be productive. It’s the cause for late-night motivational impulses and a lot of efficiency. But also a lot of half-decent work. The results of the flustered effort is either fantastic or horrible, with no happy middle. 

Sometimes, I hope I’ll grow out of panicking like that. Other times, I don’t.

Fun fact: I’m panicking as I write this blog post. 

One thought on “Panic

  1. Your post made me chuckle!! I frequently panic over many things…mostly what I might be forgetting. Unfortunately, I’m 50 and I haven’t outgrown it. Sorry for the bad news. 😦


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